Saturday, 25 February 2012

Şeker Ahmed Pasha : The Works of a Military Artist

A portrait of Şeker Ahmed
We have another Ottoman joining the ranks of the posts (I'm biased as you might already know!), Şeker Ahmed Pasha (1841–1907) is a classic example. Born in Istanbul, and initially enrolled in Medical School, he switched to the local military academy where he would later develop his interest in art.

The Sultan( Sultan Abdulaziz) liked his work and sent him to Paris immediately, to study under Gustave Boulanger and Jean-Leon Gerome.

Many of his works were oil-paintings based on nature , such as forests, fruits, animals and others.

He would later go on to host many art exhibitions and continued to serve in the army. He died in 1907, of a heart attack. 

Here are some of his works:

Ayvali Naturmor

Forest path
Basket of fruits (my personal favourite)
Fruit table
Sheep herding

Books and nature
Sheep in the dark clouds
Another talented artist for the books! If this is not talent, then I do not know what is.

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